Computer Consultant Professionals

Secure Your Router

Home Security: Secure Your Router

Today’s Cybersecurity Monday tip encourages your to make sure your router is safe. It’s always best to change your default Wi-Fi router password and make

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Enable Encryption

Home Security: Enable Encryption

For today’s Cybersecurity Monday tip, we’d like to encourage everyone to enable your encryption, both at work and at home. By enabling encryption on your

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Secure Your Workspace

Home Security: Secure Your Workspace

As Cybersecurity Mondays continue, we’d like to remind you to always lock your work computer and any other business relevant systems when you’re not using

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Limit Social Media

Home Security: Limit Social Media

Secure your online identity as part of Cybersecurity Mondays. When hackers plan an attack, they often study people’s social media profiles to gather personal information.

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