Working from Home Staff Checklist

With the spread of COVID-19, we’ve had to shape up our work from home policy. CCP has chosen the paperless route of Microsoft Forms.

We’re sure you had to review your policy with more staff now working at home. Your staff may find they like working from home, and they may want to continue to do so, even after the quarantines are no longer necessary.

Here are some questions to ask your staff to assess their work environment from home:

  • Is there a separate room?
  • Does the equipment belong to the employee or the company?
  • Are noise levels acceptable?
  • Is there a basic needs first aid kit in the home?

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Computer Consultant Professionals

Fake Zoom invite forces Sydney hedge fund to close

Earler this week, Levitas Captial was forced to close following a major cyber attack, resulting in their major client withdrawing their funds.

This should stress to all businesses out there that an antivirus and a firewall is not sufficient against cybercrime. Appropriate funds transfer protocols, incident response plans and cybersecurity awareness training should be at the top of every businesses list for this coming 2021.

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