CCP AT Helper
What information do we collect?
We collect several pieces of information to provide the functions in this extension. No private information is ever stored – anywhere.
Information about you as an AutoTask user
No information is collected.
Notifications and Alerts
All notifications and alerts generated by this extension are contained within the extension itself and displayed only to you. No information is ever transmitted.
What we do with the data we collect
All data collected is transmitted to the extension for analysis and passed back to your browser as alerts or notices. No data is transmitted outside of this interaction and until this point is all processed locally.
No private information is collected or transmitted.
What information do we share?
No information is shared with any third party in any circumstance. The extension is developed entirely in house and all processing is performed on a server physically in our office in Perth, Australia.
Updates to this policy
Any updates to this policy will be advertised here. We encourage you to review this policy from time to time to ensure that you’ve accepted the most recent version.